Friday, May 21, 2010

Two Weeks

Two weeks of radiation in the books, and so far, so good. Radiation has thus far presented me with no side effects at all, or at least no side effects that I notice above and beyond the side effects of chemo that still persist (neuropathy in my feet and hair-trigger fatigue, mostly).

I still think it's working. My leg feels better. Sometimes it gets a little sore, but nothing like it was. And the swelling still seems to be going down. Not as gratifyingly quickly as when I first started ABVD, but my leg is functional, and that's enough for me.

On a side note: I do believe that from here on out, I'm going to hew to the "country club" model of political debate: I won't tell you about MY political beliefs if you don't tell me about YOURS. Everything is so politicized today I want to throw up. Consider this (only slightly fabricated) conversation:

"Want to go get some lunch?"

"I don't know, what are your views on the Arizona immigration law?"

"I think it's irrelevant to the issue of seeking sustenance."

Nobody ever wants to talk about anything even remotely interesting these days. Nuclear energy policy, SETI, the fact that North Korea blew a South Korean corvette in half with a torpedo, synthetic organisms, annoying Facebook super-users that live way larger than you do, the shambles that is US space policy, the technology of oil wells. It's always the same stuff, over and over, the same Obama Rerangement Syndrome business.

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