Sunday, March 31, 2013

De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum

The Blog Dog died today.  That's the scruffy black thing in the photo, over on the left.  It wasn't entirely unexpected - she was getting old and was having heart problems.  But even when it isn't unexpected, it's still unwelcome.  She just laid down on the rug, and quietly, peacefully died.  We buried her in the back yard with her rubber tire toy, and now there's a big hole in my life.

The hole will slowly fill in with other things.  Holes like that always do.  But I'll always remember her, the happy little pound puppy that we saved from being put to sleep and gave a nice life to, and she rewarded us by being a happy, goofy little dog who leaned against me while I was going through chemo and never complained about anything.

So long, dog.  Rest now.