Sunday, February 18, 2007

Deputy Dawg

Oh heck, why not? Here's a picture of my dog, who I refer to with artful creativity as "Dawg" even though her name is Annie. She came from the pound and was scheduled to be put to sleep within a day or two when my wife saw her.

Dawg is trying very hard to look cute and mild in this photograph, but don't let that fool you. She goes through life emitting noise at an average of about 85 decibels. If it's not barking, then it's grunting or snorting or sneezing or stranger sounds yet. Still, the idea that she was within hours of being put to sleep just for being noisy appalls me.

But she means well, even if she sometimes does steal my cheesecake when I'm not looking.

And she's really not noisy. She's just having the best day ever, every day.

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