Thursday, November 25, 2010


Well, it turns out that dining out on Thanksgiving isn't the same experience as having it at home. It wasn't bad, it just didn't really feel like Thanksgiving to me. Just another family dinner - not that there's anything wrong with that. That's easy for me to say, though, since I'm not the one who roasts the turkey, or for that matter paid for lunch today.

I was hoping I'd have my PET scan results by now, but I probably won't hear anything until the 29th. I have no reason to believe that the results will be unfavorable, but still, I'd like to know. There's a theory that if the oncologist doesn't call you in a mild panic that they didn't find anything distressing, but my oncologist has not always been particularly efficient at returning phone calls and it is possible to hypothesize that he prefers to give bad news in person.

And I'm not going to think about that. I wanted to be thankful for still being alive, but now I'm starting to wear myself down. So it could be time for a cup of Earl Grey and a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, a combination that always makes me feel better.

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