Saturday, September 08, 2007

Enough Already!

I found out yesterday that my insurance company had declined to pay some of my medical claims. The biggest ones, as it turns out, leaving me liable for about $40,000 in medical bills. I am going to appeal, of course, and I think because of technical considerations that need not detain us here that my appeal is sound.

But really, it's not about the money. It's about the way that all summer long the wheels on my cart have loosened, begun to wobble, and fallen off altogether. All I'm waiting for now is for my life to grind to a shuddering halt and burst into flames. Or for the summer to end and for autumn to bring a new dynamic. Is that an irrational hope? Yeah, sure, we all know that the seasons don't really impact what happens to us, but I can't help but think that autumn will be somewhat more tenderly disposed toward me.

So now, on top of everything else going on in my life, I have to worry about filing multiple appeals with the insurance company, something I never thought would be necessary (what part of "medical emergency" don't they understand?) nor wanted to have to do.

But I guess there's nothing to do but to do it. It just cheeses me that I have to do it at all. I'd pronounce myself depressed if being depressed wasn't ruled out by the Cowboy Way. Maybe it's time to see how the Newcastle Brown Ale Way works.

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