Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The What River?

I've been watching a series of lectures on VHS. This set of lectures is by Professor Brian Fagan and it has to do with human evolution and prehistory. It's quite good, and Professor Fagan certainly knows way more than I do.

But last night he was talking about the Pueblo cultures of the American Southwest and referred to the Hohokam people who lived along the Jilla River in central Arizona.

One problem with that. It's pronounced Hee-la, not Jill-uh. Oh, all right, he's English, I'll leave him alone.

Oh well, my own family makes the same mistake and to this day I chuckle at the thought of going to Gill-uh Bend. Or Jill-uh Bend. Or I suppose Gee-la Bend.

But when in Gila Bend, do stop at the Space Age Hotel for lunch. It's time well-spent.

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