Friday, June 11, 2010

Dear Blogger

Dear Blogger,

When do you propose to do anything about this recent epidemic of chuckleheads posting bullshit comments that are nothing more than deceitful links to what appear to be Asian porn sites? I seem to spend more time killing these bullshit comments than I do posting, and it's getting really irritating.

I tried to "Notify Blogger" but I ended up tattling on myself!

This is crazy. All I ask is that you turn off links in comments - I don't care what they say in the comments, I just don't like all those hidden links lurking like time bombs in my blog.

Failing that, I may have to shut off comments altogether, which would be unfortunate, but I do so hate my blog being violated by a bunch of 14-year-old knuckleheads. And if that doesn't work, I can go somewhere else.

Thanks for nothing, because I know you won't do anything about it.

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