Wednesday, October 27, 2010

By Grabthar's Hammer

The forgotten (well, not so forgotten) classic, Galaxyquest. One thing I have to say for Star Trek fans is that, on top of being generally amiable and peaceable sorts, they're good sports. Galaxyquest spoofs the whole Trek "thing" fairly relentlessly, yet Trek fans (of which I am one) roll with it. Maybe we even see a little of ourselves in the movie, though in my case I'm more like the kid building the model than any of the actors (my sole acting experience involves being a Russian second lieutenant who takes a lead pill and collapses sideways into a bush - slim pickings as an acting resume).

Be it known, however, that a model of the NSEA Protector is now available, many years after its due time. But I hear that it's made out of ABS plastic or something of that ilk, not good old fashioned styrene. What up with that?

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