Sunday, October 07, 2007


We have a little orange cat named Baxter, but it's hard to prove that he exists. Nobody ever sees him. He sleeps in the closet all day and only comes out at night when nobody is around. He's about as easy for guests to see as the Tooth Fairy, and when I talk about Baxter the Imaginary Cat I'm sure my friends are all silently gritting their teeth and thinking "Oh crap, please don't let him to totally crazy till we're outta here!"

So here's proof that Baxter really exists. You'll just have to take my word that it really is Baxter, though the underexposed, poorly-framed nature of the photograph is in keeping with all the rest of the photographs I've taken, so even if you adopt the viewpoint that I'm faking it in a despairing attempt to appear "normal", you have to admit that at least my photographic evidence is consistent. My, wasn't that a long and somewhat tortured sentence?

1 comment:

Barbara said...

so he does exist!!!!! I thought he was imaginary... well he still could be... but he's very cute regardless of whether you are imagining you own him or not.