Monday, November 05, 2007


I don't rememeber driving home this evening. I remember leaving work, and I remember stopping at Circle-K to buy a less than fully acceptable cup of coffee, but that's about all I remember about the drive home.

It was a pretty good day at work, all things considered - the last bugs were ironed out of what I was working on, and now it's just a matter of the "due diligence" part of the operation where I confirm, line item by line item, that the published CRC values for various bits of software are actually right (how I yearn for a CRC of 0xDEADBEEF).

But around three PM I started to develop a caffiene withdrawal headache, which is all the proof required that I spent too much of my three-day weekend guzzling cup after cup of coffee ranked "extra-bold" on the Keurig scale. (And have I said lately what a boon this Keurig coffee maker is? Yikes! I can't imagine living without it, frankly.)

By the time I left work my head hurt so bad I don't even really remember driving home. Granted, longish parts of the drive are, at that hour, quite deserted and I could drive on the wrong side of the road for miles without anyone knowing or caring, but it's still kind of alarming to realize that I can't account for about 45 minutes of my day, and even more alarming to know that I was operating heavy equipment (to the extent that a Hyundai is heavy equipment) during the gap.

Time to back off on the coffee, I think, before this turns into a daily thing.

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