Saturday, November 03, 2007

The World According To Jon Garp

Jon Kyl jumps up and down and protests that asking Mukasey for an opinion on waterboarding is "unfair". Unfair in what way? Asking the nominee for the nation's top lawyer job a question on how detained suspects should treated is unfair? What the hell are we supposed to ask such nominees then? Blade or shaver? Foam or Edge? Pastrami or corned beef?? It's like someone jumping up and down and screaming that asking the Surgeon-General for an opinion on obesity is unfair.

Nothing John Kyl says really surprises me. He's a shill for the Republican establishment and I'm okay with that, mostly because I never voted for him and never in my wildest fever dreams imagined voting for him. I wasn't even remotely convinced by his first campaign TV commercials that showed his RV breaking down in Arizona and leaving him with no option but to run for the Senate. Uh huh. Sure. Excuse me, I have to sneeze - ah-Carpetbagger-choo! So what he says, and what he always claims he says on my behalf (snort), goes in one ear and out the other.

But Kyl's histrionics in Mukasey's defense seem weird and partisan even by Kyl's sturdily partisan standards. If you don't mind shutting your cake-hole for a minute, Jon, I think the people who are going to be paying Mr. Mukasey's paycheck (that would be the taxpayers) might be interested, one way or the other, in what Mr. Mukasey has to say regarding what he thinks the limits should be on the treatment of of detained suspects, and have a right to know, since frankly a great deal hinges on his answer.

Maybe since J.D. Hayworth is no longer in the House and Arizona has lost its perennial candidate for gasbag of the year, Jon Kyl sees yet another opportunity... Nah, he wouldn't do that twice, would he?

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