Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Health Update

I haven't talked about my health much lately, and I'm not going to start. But I did decide to gloss over the high points, not so much because it's Big News but because it bugs me to not add something to my blog just about every day.

Mainly, it's this. I keep losing weight. Not rapidly, but steadily. I gained about pounds over Christmas and had to lose them before they took up permanent residence, and I'm glad to say I've managed to expunge them and then some. I'm going to cross a major weight threshold in a few weeks and I'm very excited about it. I'm also very excited by the fact that I no longer recognize myself on closed-circuit TVs.

Now if I could just get excited about apples. Partially to save money, partially to save packing time in the morning, and mostly to save calories, I've taken to having an apple and two pieces of string cheese for lunch. It leaves me pretty famished in the afternoon because it's just not enough to please my vast doughy midsection, but every time I get well and truly sick of apples and cheese, I remember the weight threshold I'm about to cross and I gain fresh motivation.

Oh, I might as well say it. I'm about to drop below 300 pounds for the first time in a long, long time. I shouldn't even be THIS heavy, but I'm doing what I can. You try losing 70 pounds and quitting smoking at the same time and tell me how easy it is!


Barbara said...

congratulations... that's a huge accomplishment. Wish I could join the weightloss express with you!!!!

William said...

Thank you! I appreciate that!

You could join my weight loss express. I could teach classes or pretend to be a "weight loss coach" or something. It's not as though I'm doing anything very radical, after all, though boy howdy I'm starting to tire of apples...