Friday, April 04, 2008

Good Greif!

I've thought about it and decided that the model I'm going to build next is the Revell 1/72nd scale Heinkel He-177 Greif, the one with the Hs-293 missiles under the wings. I'm not a big fan of this airplane, which I think is ugly in a characteristically German way and it wasn't all that successful either (all the other airplanes laughed at it and called it names, but it was too busy suffering spontaneous engine fires and crashing to do anything about it). But the Hs-293 missiles were a major advance in the state of the art. It's lucky for everyone, frankly, that the Germans spent so much time screwing around with irrelevancies like the V1 and V2 and squandered resources that could have been devoted to the Hs-293 and the Wasserfall surface-to-air missile.

I don't suffer from the delusion that what model I intend to build next makes any difference to anyone. I just thought it would be fun to post three times in one day.

But why this airplane? I don't have big plans for it and it's just going to hang from the ceiling of the garage, so I don't have to get myself all sweated up about it. I have a large number of models I could build, and many that I really want to build before this clunker, but the fact that the He-177 isn't going to present me with any stress is frankly kind of appealing.

There must be a name for this mental illness, where you really want to build a particular model but you have such high expectations for it you're actually unwilling to start, so you end up building models you don't like because you have low expectations of them. Geez. It's like not barbecuing a steak because you're afraid of ruining it, so instead you eat a floppy room-temperature slab of Spam. It just aint right.

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