Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Evil Anti-Debate

I'm ignoring the debate. I've ignored all of them so far, and so mark this one down as duly ignored. Not even ignored - avoided like the plague.

I think it's really the obviously wrong right-wing hate emails that soured me on debates. How many times can you read something like "Barack Obama is composed of anti-matter!" or "Barack Obama has no shadow!" or "Barack Obama has a prehensile forked penis!" before the whole political process turns into a kind of vomit-evoking sideshow? I've had to put up with years of right wing bullshit and now, when Barack wins, I'm going to throw modesty and moderation to the four wings and gloat. That's right - you guys trashed the surplus, trashed the economy, started a war you couldn't win, couldn't find Osama, made a mockery of due process, made a mockery of the principle of checks and balances, deregulated things to the point that our national flag might as well be a Jolly Roger, and you expect me to be restrained? Negatory. But the right's rich tradition of scapegoating and complaining will hold them in good stead, I'm sure; soon they'll be blaming liberal elites, Hollywood, George Soros, fluoridated water, newspapers, the Internets, Mexicans, public education, books, education, truth-in-lending statements, gays, Steven Spielberg, Bill Clinton, the Unitarians, the Muslims, the Hindus, the Zoroastrians, the Buddhists, the Gnostics, the Canadiens, Manchester United, literacy, and pocket calculators for the mess they've made.

Unfortunately, I'm too tired and ill to do much about anything. Not that I'd be able to do anything even if I wasn't tired and ill, but in this state, I don't have a chance.

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