Saturday, December 05, 2009

First Flush

Do you ever take your car in to get the brakes fixed and find yourself testing the brakes gingerly the first few times you stop? I tend to fix the brakes on my cars myself - I apparently can't get enough of all that black dust, occasional hammering and random swearing. But still, even I test my brakes gingerly the first few times I stop afterwards. I don't know what I expect. Is the wheel going to fall off? Probably not. Is some vital brake component going to fly out? Unlikely. Will the car be gripped by that "uncontrollable acceleration" thing that was alleged to haunt Audis back in the 1980s? It would be fun, but it isn't likely.

I flushed my new central line for the first time tonight, and I confess I flushed it gingerly. I don't know what I expected to happen, but when you're pumping stuff straight into your heart, a gingerly approach seems justified. I am pleased to report that nothing went wrong. I'm even developing a dull headache, another sign of normal operations.

They say the fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Well, let's time it. I just flushed my port, and I'm also getting ready to eat a small breakfast burrito. Let's see which one reaches my heart first.

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