Monday, December 28, 2009

How Ironic

I was supposed to meet with my doctor today to work out the timing of my second stem cell transplant, but her office called this morning and pushed the appointment back till Thursday. Turns out that my doctor got sick!

Here I am with the compromised immune system, and she's the one that got sick. Irony. Har!

It's just as well, really, because I haven't felt very good today myself. I've been cold since I woke up this morning and even a brief trip to the grocery store wore me down to a nub, but every time I stick the thermometer under my tongue it says the same thing, 97.5 degrees.

Perhaps I just have the blahs. Or maybe I need another V-8. I used to hate V-8 juice when I was a kid. The list of things I hated went something like this:

1. Adolf Hitler
2. Brussels Sprouts
3. Falling off my bicycle
4. V-8 juice

But these days I like it so much I've been known to drink it until I get physically ill. And I also love Brussels sprouts. But I still hate Hitler and falling off my bike, and I don't anticipate those things changing.

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