Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The Fun Continues

I have to go have a bone marrow biopsy done next Tuesday. I thought we were all done with those, based on the testimony of my doctor, who told me repeatedly that we wouldn't be doing any more of those. Until yesterday, when suddenly she changed her mind. I suppose it's a useful diagnostic test and it wouldn't be a bad thing to make sure my bone marrow is still clean, but I don't have to like it. The first time I had a bone marrow biopsy, they bent the biopsy needle and had to start over. The second time I bled all over myself. And neither time was much fun.

Pain-wise, it hurts worse to have one's Hickman catheter reworked, but somehow it feels different. It's meat-pain as opposed to bone-pain, and meat-pain is something you sort of get used to dealing with. But the pain of a needle being rammed into your hipbone? It's weird and unusual and quite unpleasant.

I suppose I should quit my bitching; it could be a lot worse.

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