Thursday, April 29, 2010


I've been watching Treme on and off, and it's not a bad show. I find most of the characters in the show interesting. Even the Steve Zahn character is fun to watch, even though he can he as irritating as a fair-sized rock in one's shoe. But there are two characters that I really don't like and don't find at all interesting - the pair of street musicians, the snotty guy with the keyboard and the girl with the violin. So these people come down from Wisconsin to help rebuild New Orleans, and all these elitist Nawlins pinheads can do is mock them - "Had you ever heard of the Ninth Ward before Katrina?"

Their insufferable hip snottiness irritates me. Let's pretend that they get their way and all those stupid unhip tourists stay away from New Orleans. Where does that leave them? Playing their street music to nobody, for one thing. Would that make them happy? Would that fulfill them as Nawlins artists? And all this bellyaching about cleaning up and rebuilding. Well, why don't you get off your slacker ass and get a shovel and start doing something, instead of playing music on a street corner and pretending that you're somehow contributing?

Don't get me wrong. I like Treme. But those two insufferable uber-hipsters really cheese me. And maybe that's the hallmark of well-written characters, when they seem real enough to make me want to lecture them about some of the facts of life.

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