Friday, July 08, 2011

Sick As A Dog

I've been sick as a dog the last day or two.

I actually wonder about the origins of that phrase. Sick as a dog? Really? My dog eats really horrible things and never gets sick. My parents used to have a miniature dachshund that was famous for pilfering Cadbury chocolate bars from my grandmother's purse, and he never really got sick either. It's like saying someone has the constitution of a dinosaur - how do we really know what their constitutions were like?

But sick, yes. I woke up last night with intense nausea, and it hasn't really gotten much better since. Please understand that when I say "intense nausea", I know of what I speak, because I went through cisplatin, and that's the mother of all intense nausea.

In a way it's sort of nostalgic to wake up at 2 AM with hair-trigger nausea and fumble for the Ativan and compazine. Wow! Just like the good old days!

One might wonder why I'm so sick. I either ate something that didn't agree with me, or I'm just damaged from all that chemo and prone to occasional upsets, sort of like Frodo getting sick on every anniversary of being stabbed with the Morgul-blade on Amon Sul. The only difference is that Circan doesn't wait for me at the Grey Havens. At least as far as I know.

And can I tell you how impressed I am with myself for working a couple of Tolkien references into a post on nausea??

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