Saturday, March 29, 2008


I was cleaning out the fridge the other day so I could put the new groceries away when I found a half-gallon of Safeway-brand eggnog in the back. It was unopened and quite tidy on the outside, but still, hoarding a carton of eggnog for almost four months isn't a good sign. It's actually kind of humiliating.

How, you might ask, does one miss a carton of eggnog in the back of the fridge? Well, there's a jug of blueberry-pomegranate juice in the fridge. My wife thinks it's mine. I think it's hers. It hasn't been touched in months, and the eggnog was hiding behind the juice. I think the bottom line is that if you have a jug of juice that's been in the fridge for so long the post office has assigned it its own zip code, you should consider throwing it away. At the very least, you should move it from time to time in case something behind it is on the verge of evolving opposable thumbs.

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