Monday, March 10, 2008

Hall of Fame

I see Madonna was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. That doesn't move me much one way or the other; I've never had particularly strong feelings about Madonna one way or the other. Not my kind of music, and past that, I don't care. But doesn't it seem odd that someone who is still practicing, or capable of practicing, one's profession should already be in the Hall of Fame?

Apparently one becomes eligible for the Hall of Fame 25 years after the first release of one's first bit of work. So it's 2008, and I think that means that artists who came out in 1983 are now eligible for the Hall of Fame. Think about it. Eddie Money? 707?? The Buggles??? THE WAITRESSES???

It kind of makes the Hall of Fame seem irrelevant when you're competing against the Bullet Boys, dunnit?

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