Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Heard it on the X

I was duly working away today when someone at work asked me if I'd received my card, or my money. "What card," I asked. "What money?" It turns out that the guys at work bought me a card and raised some money to buy me a gift while I was out undergoing the early stages of chemotherapy.

That was awfully thoughtful of them - but I have to ask, where's the card, and where's the money? Am I correct in surmising that they changed their minds and bought a couple of pitchers of margaritas instead? Looks like it! And the ones that weren't in on the pitchers of margaritas are probably thinking "Gee whiz, that ungrateful bastard didn't even say thank you!"

Well, I appreciate the thought, and besides, I can't have a margarita anyway. Red wine, yes. Margarita, no. The Good Doctor sets his watch and warrants on it.

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