Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I was supposed to go to the pulmonologist (?) on the 23rd to have a breathing test done. There's nothing particularly wrong with my breathing, except for how heavy is sounds over the phone when I call at two in the morning.

No, seriously, there's nothing wrong with my breathing, but one of my chemo drugs can cause breathing problems in a certain percentage of patients. So my oncologist, diligent to the end, scheduled me a breathing test for the 23rd. So yesterday I drove to the office and presented myself to the receptionist, eager to get my breathing test out of the way so I could go back to work, or go to the dentist, or just go back home, or something.

The receptionist said "You're a little early, inasmuch as the 23rd is next Monday."

Crap! These appointments, they run together on me!

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