Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Well, it's official, I have one more chemo treatment to go, in the early part of June. There was some question on whether today was my last session or not. Working with a calendar suggested that June 3rd was the Glorious Day, but the doctor thought that today was it. It turned out that someone made a simple clerical error in my chart that made it look like I'd had 11 treatments, not 10.

So I'm a little put out because, yeah, as irrational as it sounds, I was kind of hoping that somehow my calendar was wrong and today was it. But it still feels pretty good to say "One more" and know that it is true. Now I just have to get over this one, which has hit me hard and early. But maybe, as I tell myself, if I get sick early I'll get better early. Chemo is hard to predict and as theories go this one is about as convincing as medieval theories about phlogiston, but one clings to what solace one can.

And I'm pleased to report that I can't see or feel any evidence of cancer. The node in my groin that I think started this whole business has vanished. A few weeks ago it was but a tiny vestige of itself, mere scar tissue perhaps, but as of this morning it has vanished. And my weird symptoms - itchy skin, visibly swollen nodes, swollen leg, drenching night sweats, intense back pain, shortness of breath, megalospleny - are all gone as well. So I am confident of eventual success, even though I'm trying not to be over-confident, even cavalier, about the whole thing.

Incidentally - without wanting to get drawn into a whole Dancing With The Stars diatribe, I was hoping that if Ty Murray couldn't win (an inevitable outcome, really) that Gilles would win. But they couldn't even give me that, the Philistines.


Stockyard Queen said...

It struck me as ironic that they bounced Ty for being "wooden" but Shawn looked like she was in terrible pain about 3/4 of the time. What a travesty.

William said...

I agree completely; I thought she looked easily as stiff and wooden as Ty was alleged to look. But Ty has nothing to feel bad about; the three people that beat him have all obviously had a good deal of dance training, and I doubt he's had much more dance training than the occasional Coors-fueled line dance at the local bar.

William said...

Maybe I shouldn't say this, because the show tried its hardest to brainwash me otherwise, but I never bought into the myth of Shawn's presumed cuteness either.

Stockyard Queen said...

She's a little blocky to be cute, I think. Ty did great and maybe he'll be able to enjoy waltzing with Jewel. He really did well in the dances where he didn't have to turn loose of his partner.