Monday, May 25, 2009

Jon and Kate Plus Tedium

I see TLC is playing nothing but Jon and Kate Plus 8 today. Ugh. I guess I won't be watching TLC today.

I didn't care for their show back when they weren't notorious. I didn't like Jon or Kate to begin with, and I was never curious what having eight kids was like. But now that they are notorious, I'm even less inclined to watch. And an all-day marathon of their show? HP Lovecraft would have struggled to imagine such heartless horror.

I love the little rock and roll band stage that Guy Fieri has on his show. One day I'd like to be watching his show and see the Swedish death metal band Amon Amarth suddenly take over his stage and start playing Gods Of War Arise. They aren't the heaviest band in the world, nor the most original, but I kind of like them, and I like the idea of a bunch of big hairy shirtless Swedish guys taking over Guy's set, throwing his stuff around, setting fire to his waveboard, pouring his bottles of Cabo Wabo tequila on the floor. Guy always seems to me to be trying to channel the spirit of Sammy Hagar and I think it would be fun to see him assailed by death metal. (I suspect, though, that if you asked the guys in Amon Amarth, they'd say that they do Viking metal, not death metal. Machs nichts.)


Stockyard Queen said...

I don't understand people who have *litters* of kids. And here's an opinion that's sure to get me in trouble: There's nothing tackier than old farts hooking up with way younger women and immediately knocking them up. Mel Gibson might not be the worst offender--after all, he's only 14 years older than his new sweetie--but since he and his wife just officially split, and that this will be his 8th kid, I have to say I think he's acting like an ass.

Anthony Quinn still holds the top tackiness award, for getting his secretary pregnant when he was 82 and going on to have another kid with her when he was 85. I don't know how old his secretary was, but I'm sure she wasn't within four decades of him. And those two kids, BTW, were Quinn's twelfth and thirteenth.

William said...

I don't understand those people either. I guess I have to defend their right to have whole litters of kids, but it's not something I'd ever do, would ever understand, or would want to watch on TV.

I didn't know that about Anthony Quinn. That is kind of sleazy, though, the whole aging man with young woman thing, even if no kids are produced. Even sleazier if they are. Didn't James Doohan pull off such a stunt in his seventies?

Stockyard Queen said...

I think he did. I think I hate it for two reasons--first, it always seems like the epitome of irresponsible male behavior, being lead around by your **** like that, and second, it just shrieks, "I have to have one more kid before I die!"

BTW, the cops here busted a meth lab on Friday night and I think (not exactly sure) that it was in a trailer park right behind the club where the PBR always has its after party. They may be rethinking that venue, now.

Stockyard Queen said...

Whoops, appears I slandered the club! Meth lab was on the north end of town. Well, at least the boys won't be able to walk outside and get a fix to go with their beer and buckle bunnies.

William said...

That reassures me. The notion of a short, wiry cowboy with a buckle bunny on his arm (and I am NOT recalling memories of our PBR afterparty experience) stoked up on meth gives me the willies.

Did you ever read the book about the PBR? I can't remember the title exactly, but it was something like "Buckle Bunnies and Fried Twinkies." I was disappointed to find that fried Twinkies were actually not a common thing.

Oh, and did you see the odd news yesterday that some 29 year old guy had fathered 20 children by 11 different women? And he wasn't even good-looking, in my perhaps skewed opinion. I guess he decided to beat Anthony Quinn by building up a huge head start.

Stockyard Queen said...

Fried Twinkies, Buckle Bunnies, and Bull Riders: A Year on the PBR Tour--I think that's right. I could go look at it, but then I'd have to get up! I liked it quite a bit, though the journalistic style sort of got to me after a while.

I didn't see that about young Mr. 20 year old. I vote we lock him up and get him out of the gene pool. Enough is enough.

William said...

That's the book! It was fun, and more informative than comic books, I guess. Considering the lack of books on the subject we'd have to describe it as authoritative, but maybe one day we'll write the definitive treatment of the PBR, buckle bunnies, and meth labs.