Friday, November 20, 2009

All Bets Are Off

My medical gurus, in between bouts of levitation, chanting and incense-burning, have decided that I do not require a supplemental round of chemotherapy before the transplants begin. Some radiation, but not chemo. Instead, I go in Monday to discuss "transplant options" with the hospital staff. I wonder what that means. Does it mean I get a choice of what organs are transplanted? Can I have, say, George Clooney's face or Robert Irvine's arms? What would happen if I got LeBron James's right leg? It would be really hard to get around; with one really long leg and one normal leg, I'd constantly walk in circles and eventually wear a ring-shaped hole in the carpet.

No, I think they're just going to discuss timing, and the sooner the better, as far as I'm concerned. I wasn't honestly looking forward to a "placeholder" course of ESHAP anyway. If I'm going to have chemo, why not make it the scorched-earth chemo associated with the transplant and have done with it? It's like drinking Jaegermeifter (yes, I know it's Jaegermeister, but before the German alphabet was rationalized, gothic S characters looked like Fs) - the sooner you start, the sooner it's over with.

I guess I'll find out Monday. Further bulletins as events warrant.


Stockyard Queen said...

If my doctors could levitate, I might put more stock in what they tell me.

William said...

I wish I could levitate! It would make dusting the ceiling fans much easier.