Sunday, April 08, 2007

Sunday Night

Well, fudge, another three-day weekend shot to hell.

Sunday nights are my least favorite part of the week. I whine about my job a fair amount, but truth be told, once I get there and actually get started working, it isn't (usually) so bad. I wouldn't do it if they didn't pay me, but I've had worse jobs and getting up on Monday morning and going to work isn't the end of the world.

But it sure feels like it on Sunday night. Starting around sundown on Sunday night the dread starts to build, and by bedtime I'm usually a bit bummed about the prospect of having to go to work. Monday evening seems so far away, and Friday evening? Pfft. It might as well never arrive. It's especially bad after a three-day weekend, because I know there won't be another one of those coming up for a while.

I've always had this mild Sunday night dread, whether in regard to school or any of the jobs I've had. I wish I wouldn't do that - it pretty much ruins half of Sunday - but as long as I'm wishing for stuff, I'd like a bulldozer too.

Good luck to Barbara, whose new job starts tomorrow. It'll be fun, I'm sure - at least until next Sunday night.


Jean said...

I shall endeavor to remember your Sunday night dread next weekend and keep you pre-occupied :-)

I was blessed never to have suffered this malady, but I've always known people who did. My Dad, who was rarely pleasant anyway, would grow MUCH worse on Sunday evenings. My friend and longtime next-door-neighbor, would barely get any sleep at all on Sunday nights. Both of them, oddly, worked for Chevron...

I on the other hand, looked forward to mondays because as bad as schoolkids were, they didn't hold a candle to my father. After I grew up and had kids, well, as much as I loved the boys, a full weekend as a single parent had me looking forward to 8 hours "off" on Mondays ;-)

Barb!! You have a new job!! What is it? How was your first day?! Is it less of a commute than the last one? Congrats!

William said...

I think my problem is that I want to cram a whole weekends' worth of sloth and indolence into the last few remaining hours. Very often ideas for things to do occur to me on Sunday afternoon or evening, but there just isn't enough time to see them through, and I'm always vaguely bothered by having an idea that I can't act upon.

Why don't these ideas occur to me on Saturday morning, you ask? Well, they do, but I think "Oh, it's still Saturday, I have time." And then I forgot until Sunday night that I really wanted to throw grass seed in the yard, or change the oil in the car, or mow the brush around the well, and by then it's too late to start anything serious. It takes me so long to clean my airbrush I don't even see the point in trying to clean a model.

William said...

"Clean" a model. Right. I meant "Paint". I'm okay, really.

William said...

But I am curious about Barb's job. I've worked for the same company for almost three decades, so what I know about starting a new job can fit comfortably in a thimble, but I like to think it's a bit like starting a new school year - got new clothes, a new notebook, a sense of a new adventure just beginning, and a sense of impending doom because you just know that some of the kids are going to turn out to be rank, in the bull-riding sense of the word.