Monday, April 16, 2007

Virginia Tech

I wanted to say something about what happened at Virginia Tech, but try as I might, I find that there's simply nothing I can say that would be of the slighest use to anyone. So I won't try.

But once again the media hacks are crawling out of the woodwork, smelling blood in the air. They race up to some student, jam a microphone in her face, and demand "How do you feel??"

How the hell do they think she feels? I wouldn't be at all surprised if there is a professional ranking system where reporters who can wring tears from over-wrought eyewitnesses rank higher than reporters who just report the stories. A few years back I watched some local reporter trying to wring tears from evacuees in a shelter when most of northern Arizona was in the process of burning down. He tried so hard to get the people in the shelter to squirt a few that I found myself hoping and praying that someone would physically slap the moron to the ground.

And do I really need Dr. Phil on TV telling me how I should handle this tragedy? Pfft.

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