Saturday, August 04, 2007

Has It Been A Month?

Has it really been a month since all this started? Apparently so! I can now drive again. Yay! Not being able to drive isn't the worst thing that's ever happened to me, but it's not exactly a picnic either because "going for a drive" was often my final answer to boredom. Either that or running down to the store to get a roll of paper towels, just for something to do.

Sometimes it seems that I'm never getting better, especially first thing in the morning. But I am. I swam for some hours today, and though none of that swimming was vigorous, I was in the pool for a long time without getting too bunged up. I was a little sore, sure, and I had to take a Vicodin, but compared to my level of physical competence a mere two weeks ago, I might as well have been Conan.

Things get easier, a little at a time. My shoulders don't really hurt any more, and I think I'm down to only one major pulled muscle in my neck. If I overdo things my sternum hurts, something halfway between an ache and a burn. But when I first got home, three weeks ago, I couldn't do anything at all. Just sitting up in bed was a struggle.

Boy, it's all about me, isn't it? I read something on "the Internets" a while back about how blogs were all crap because they were all about their authors. I think I remember the phrase "navel-diddling" being tossed around, which I took to mean that the author of that screed was pissed off because nobody was talking about him. My point is that I'm going to continue talking about my surgery and recovery for as long as I feel like doing it, because I strongly believe all of this to be a life-changing event.

A full month without cigarettes! Crikey!

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