Saturday, August 25, 2007

Tiresome Movie

I watched Man on the Moon (or something like that) today, a supposedly grand examination of Andy Kaufman starring Jim Carrey.

What a waste of time. I never thought Andy Kaufman was the least bit funny or even edgy, and I thought the movie was dishonest by showing crowds leaping to their feet for standing ovations or doubled up in laughter over the lamest material imaginable.

If anything, the movie made me appreciate Kaufman even less than before, because it revealed him as a petulant manipulator. I guess we're supposed to accept his petulant manipulativeness as a part of his alleged genius, but I don't buy it. Mostly he comes across as a jerk, and a decidedly unfunny one at that. Ty Murray is funnier than Andy Kaufman, for crying out loud!

Not how I wanted to spend an hour and a half of my Saturday.

1 comment:

William said...

And to think, I was being generous. It was really much worse than I let on, painfully so.