Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ich Bin Ein Middle-Class Whiner

Yep, I confess it, I'm a whiner. I routinely stop at the gas station and whine that gas isn't expensive enough. Come on, hit me with some really expensive gas! Make me whine like ET with a sore throat!

Why is Phil Gramm in the position he's in? The elitism and arrogance of his whiner comments are bad enough, but really appalls me is their stupidity. And this is the man John McCain thinks should be his economic advisor? All I can say, honestly, all I can say, is "Holy cow, that's the dumbest thing I've heard in... gosh, it must be months!"

And it is.

I'd carry on at length, but I've got some navel-gazing and whining to do - I won't be happy until GM lays off about 50,000 workers and the price of gas reaches five bucks a gallon. Then, and only then, will I cease my un-American whining and grumbling and admit that Phil Gramm is right-right-right.


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