Sunday, July 19, 2009

Not A Hiatus

I wouldn't describe this as an official hiatus, but I am probably not going to write much for the next few weeks. I have my reasons, chief (and really, only) among them being the fact that all I can really think about when I write is the prospect of an autologous bone marrow transplant, and thinking about that agitates me. So for the next few weeks I'm going to swim as much as possible, drink plenty of Bloody Marys, listen to music, and do whatever I can to distract myself so I don't agitate myself.

But having said that, I know myself well enough to know that the urge to write runs deep. Who knows, I may write as much as before, or even more. But I doubt it. My life is at a tipping point, whether I asked for it or not, and thinking about it isn't helping me. So if I can think of things to write about that don't involve autologous bone marrow transplants, I'll be back. Otherwise, well, I'll be in the pool, not thinking about things.

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