Saturday, July 17, 2010


I think it would be nice to live in a world where hardcore sports fans are ridiculed, not Star Trek fans.

If we're going to hew to the stereotype that all Star Trek fans are corpulent, unwashed virgins who live in their mom's basement, let's also hew to the stereotype that all sports fans are functionally illiterate simians who scream violent abuse at opposing players (and their own players too). And that's when they aren't exchanging insults in sports bars, driving drunk, blowing the mortgage payment on huge-screen TVs and slathering the walls of their trash-strewn "man caves" with giant vinyl images of LeBron James.

At least I realize that Star Trek is a TV show that has basically no connection with real life. Do the people who had emotional breakdowns over Tiger Woods or Lance Armstrong or LeBron James also have that detachment?

And at least Star Trek presents a halfway entertaining vision of a future where greed and ignorance are largely eradicated. What vision of the future do professional sports offer us? More greed and stupidity. Oh, and more tattoos too, probably.

Great. Count me out. I'll take my chances with the Trekkies.

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