Sunday, July 04, 2010


I wonder if I'm having a shingles relapse.

My eye is extremely uncomfortable today. It's felt more or less normal for the last week, and it still works more or less normally (episodic fits of double-vision notwithstanding) but egads it hurts tonight. I can't touch my skin anywhere around my eye socket.

But at least I can see. Pain I can deal with, but not seeing well enough to manage something simple like eating a hot dog, that's a pain in the ass.

This is, by the way, the fourth anniversary of me not dying of a heart attack. I'm sure as holidays go it's of less than national importance, but it's a big deal to me personally Or has it been five years? I don't remember. I just remember that it was the morning of July 4th that my coronary arteries finally gave out, and the next day had my chest cut open with what I like to think was some sort of chain saw.

So here I am, debating whether I still have cancer or not, trying not to touch my eye lest it go mad, listening to Insomium and wondering if I'm really that that fortunate I didn't die four years ago.

Of course I am. Duh. I have no deathwish, despite my penchant for death metal.

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