Monday, December 17, 2007

In Honor of Baseball

In honor of Major League Baseball, the furor over the Mitchell Report, and the amusing naivete of sports fans who honestly believed that relatively few professional athletes would make use of performance (and thus career) enhancing substances, I've decided to blog on something other than baseball.

In other words, I don't care. How many of you know a guy who wears pants that are really too small for him? By the use of cooking oil and comealongs and belts made out of Kevlar, he manages to get the pants hitched up and he says "Yep, I wear the same pants size now as I did in high school." Yeah, except your gut is hanging over so far you can't see your belt buckle any more. That's the position baseball is in - for years "de commish" has been insisting that MLB wears the same pants size it did in high school, but any random observer can see the steroid and HGH gut hanging out...

Enough baseball.

Lately I've have a lot of fun on a website dedicated to board gaming called - logically enough - I even added a gadget (or is it a widget?) that displays some games from BGG (as we snooty insiders refer to it!) on my blog. Now I just need to start playing again! It's one thing to own 200+ games, and quite another to know how to play them.

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