Sunday, September 07, 2008


Well, now we have a street mailbox - upon further review, the Mail Authorities smiled upon us, so we put in a mailbox out on the street, or road, or whatever you call it.

Mailboxes can be dreadfully expensive! One looked like a scale model of Monticello, and I imagine it wouldn't be hard to find a little figure of of Thomas Jefferson to tape to its front door as though perpetually greeting the mailman with hearty democratic bonhomie, but I think $170 is a bit steep for a mailbox, even if it does resemble Monticello.

Yes, I'm a cheapskate.

We didn't get the bottom-of-the-line mailbox, the one made out of a rinsed-out gallon milk container, but ours isn't very evolved in an aesthetic sense, unless you're Dutch and you think featureless black metal is somehow engrossing. But the pole is green; that's got to count for something.

This whole thing leaves me with oddly mixed feelings, which I guess proves only that there's no pleasing me. As my grampa would say, "I'd bitch if they hung me with a new rope."

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