Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Why Headaches?

Why do people get headaches? What do they mean? Every time I've ever asked a doctor about headaches, I get the answer "Eh..." Maybe not that literal answer, but that's what they mean.

I rarely get headaches these days. Between stopping smoking, controlling my blood pressure and cutting back on coffee, most of my headaches have gone away, and if they do hang around, they're more annoying than anything - kind of like trying to watch a Star Trek marathon, after the sixth episode or so, it starts to get a bit much and you wish it would just go away.

Except tonight. I think it's a voodoo thing; someone is industriously working a quarter-inch drill bit into a voodoo doll of me, drilling through my skull just above my left ear. Why? What did I do to deserve this? Something heinous in a previous life? Something heinous in THIS life?

Oh well. It'll go away, as soon as whoever it is stops drilling. And even though it hurts, it's still better than reading mass emails about how Barack Obama is the Antichrist as predicted by the Book of Revelation.

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