Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Rock and Roll What?

I read today that our state politicians are talking about building a Rock and Roll theme park somewhere south or southeast of Phoenix - I think Coolidge, but I don't remember specifically because I spent so much time trying to figure out what a rock and roll theme park would be like I forgot where it was supposed to be built.

How would that work? Would they, say, put you in a cage and shake you violently so you sounded like Tiny Tim? Or make you wear fake Jerry Garcia hair and beard and make you try to roll an enormous joint in the back seat of the Long Strange Journey (tm) roller coaster? Wear funny hats and repeatedly cross the street in groups of four while "Number Nine" plays from hidden speakers?

I don't know. I must be missing something. If rock and roll has any enduring themes at all, they're probably sex and drugs. And wouldn't it be easier to market the theme park if they called it a Sex and Drugs Theme Park intead of a Rock and Roll Theme Park? People would say "Rock and Roll Theme Park? Nah, they'll probably have a huge section dedicated to Bob Dylan and I'll have to pretend that his warbly caterwauling doesn't really make me vomit. Even though it does. Besides, I'm going to spending the next 42 weeks straight at the Sex and Drugs Theme Park."

Just a thought.

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