Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Universe Has a Sense of Humor

I don't feel terribly good today. I'm not sick, really, I just seem to be suffering from a kind of malaise, the sort of thing President Carter might have attributed to inflation or stagflation or cultural ennui or whatever. It's probably just because I haven't eaten anything yet today and my blood sugar is just about expended.

But no matter. To conserve energy I decided to watch a little TV, and tuned in to a program about neo-Nazis in America. It showed them doing their thing in Idaho somewhere, shouting white power, white power and snapping off ragged and inaccurate imitations of what I guess they take to be the Hitlergruss, and right in the middle of this seamy, seedy exhibition of intolerance and stupidity, my satellite TV receiver put up the warning Poor Quality Signal, superimposed right over the skinheads.

Boy, was that ever accurate.

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