Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bony Armored Plates

I stayed home from work today, and in fact, I'm going back to bed in a few minutes, but I decided to come up for air long enough to check my email and blog, however briefly.

Starting yesterday the Neulasta started to really hurt me, mostly in my pelvis and stretching up my back to roughly the area between my shoulder blades. I didn't sleep last night worth a damn, and was in so much pain this morning (and was so groggy) that I figured I'd be an unproductive mess at work.

It felt like I was trying to grow armored bony plates out of my back like a stegosaur. Why would I do that? To protect myself from the allosaurs that roam the carboniferous swamps of central Arizona? To provide an additional means of regulating my temperature other than sweating and heartfelt cursing? To fend off giant man-eating clams? I don't know. I can only report that it felt like I was growing huge bony plates in my back, and it wasn't pleasant.

I can put up with a lot of difficulty and still go to work. I don't want to claim too much credit for myself, but I've managed to keep working throughout my cancer and chemo, and I take some pride in the fact that I've been able to keep working. Oh, mind you, most of the time that's all I could do, and when I got home at night I was completely expended. But I've been able to put up with some pretty unpleasant symptoms and side-effects and still work.

But growing bony armored plates out of my back? That was too much. So I took a Claritin and went back to bed, and that's exactly what I'm going to do now - take another Claritin and go back to bed.

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