Sunday, June 21, 2009

Does It Get Any Better?

I'm listening to a funky album from the 1970s, Demons and Wizards by Uriah Heep, and reading a PDF of the rules from the game Universe, originally published circa 1981 and just as quickly relegated to the trashheap of history when its publisher went out of business. This is what the Internet is really good for - making available again the freakishly assorted fragments of a past long gone. I'll never again be the same person as I was in 1981 - cancer and heart attacks have a way of stripping the innocence from a person like crummy varnish from a cheap chair - but it's most groovy that the Internet makes the cultural gewgaws of the past available again.

Not that Uriah Heep or crazy science fiction role playing games like Universe are that big a deal in and of themselves; I cite them mainly as examples of what the Internet makes possible these days.

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