Sunday, June 07, 2009

Cart Before The Horse

I'm having problems putting the cart before the horse. I keep thinking "Hot dog, I'm done with chemo and can now do stuff!" So I go out into the garage or attack heaps of laundry or find something else meritorious to do, and within a few minutes I run flat out of energy. Though I may be done with chemo, my last chemo was only a few days ago, and it's still having its merry way with me. My legs seem particularly weak and rubbery this time, perhaps because of accumulated neuropathy and perhaps just because.

So my spirit is all fired up to do things. I've been in an enforced state of inactivity for a long time and I want to fix things, work on the landscaping, build models, clean the garage. I fairly percolate with ideas and intentions. But the body isn't ready yet, so I sit in one spot wishing I could do something while my legs behave for all the world like rubber chickens. It's most annoying. I know that sooner or later I'll recover and I'll be able to do things again, but it isn't happening soon enough to suit me. I've become impatient and I expect my body to work better than it is.

But I did finish the Starclipper model, for whatever that's worth. I was going to post photographs of it but the floppy disk came apart inside my floppy disk drive and apparently destroyed it, so the pictures I took of the finished model amount to what Lovecraft might have called "nuclear chaos beyond angled space." Inaccessible, in another word.

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